1. I am the parent or legal guardian of the student. I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing Korean American Center (KAC) from all liability on my and the students behalf, (b) waiving my and the students’ right to sue KAC.
2. In case of medical emergency, the organization personnel on duty have my permission to obtain emergency treatment for my child until I can be contacted. I have read and understand the forgoing statements. I agree to assume the full responsibility stated above and waive all claims as indicated.
3. I agree to hold KAC harmless from any and all claims, loss or damage to my personal property, liabilities and costs, including attorney’s fees, as a result of my participation in this program and any other activities sponsored by KAC, including travel to and from any activity (including this class).
4. I hereby grant KAC the right to use and reproduce any and all photographs, video clips, and/or audio clips in conjunction with your involvement at KAC in any organization newsletters, brochures, web sites, flyers and publications, or any outside school approved publications such as newspaper, magazines, web sites promoting our language program and organization.
5. I will not hold KAC, its host facility or any of its regular personnel and volunteer workers liable for injury, accidents, illness or other thing unexpected occurring during class hours and other KAC activities. In case of medical emergency, KAC personnel on duty have my permission to obtain emergency treatment for myself. I have read and understand the forgoing statements. I agree to assume the full responsibility stated above and waive all claims as indicated.
6. I hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have against KAC with their respective Board Members, administrators and teachers for any and all injuries which maybe suffered by me in connection with my participation and attendance or on the premises of KAC.